Monday, March 31, 2025
Tags ITunes Radio

Tag: iTunes Radio

Radio Responds to Spotify: Are Radio Stations’ Answer to Streaming Services...

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that radio stations are changing programming in response to streaming services. If a recent article in the Wall Street...

Has automated digital music taken away our shared experience of music?

This year, I didn't listen much to the traditional radio or my iTunes Library.  Instead, I just jammed to iTunes Radio. I love filling the...

Olive ONE: all-in-one HD Music Player Preview

The Olive One Music Server aims to take on Sonos and the big boys in the ever-growing digital music server space. Olive has been...

iTunes Radio: first impressions on quality and usability

I've been playing with iTunes Radio for a bit now. First impressions are always dangerous but I'm initially impressed with the audio quality of...

iTunes Radio is live

iTunes Radio is now live. The new offering from Apple looks like a great offering. I'll be kicking the tires on it and post my...

Should Music Be Free? An Audiophile’s Perspective

"Should music be free?" is the question posted by Steve Guttenberg in Stereophile.  It's a fascinating article that talks about various aspects of the...

My iTunes Radio WIsh List: Please Apple, I’m not Asking for...

With iTunes Radio just a few weeks away, I came up with my wish list of what I'd ultimately like the service to offer....

iTunes Radio Bitrate?

iTunes Radio is now live with the launch of iOS7 and iTunes 11.1 the question is, what is the bitrate?  The iTunes Radio bitrate...