Monday, March 31, 2025
Tags Apple

Tag: Apple

iPad Air on Sale Today Only $75 off WiFi and $100...

Today only, Best Buy has every iPad Air model on sale.  WiFi-only models are $75 off, starting at $424.99.  Cellular models, which start at...

Does Apple’s Lightning Headphone Standard Signal the End of 3.5mm Headphone...

I was thinking about the recent news story about Apple's specifications for headphones with lightning connectors.  On the one hand it signals fascinating opportunities...

Apple’s new headphone specification brings lightning cable connectivity to headphones

Image Courtesy of 9to5 Mac 9to5 Mac is reporting that Apple is providing participants in its "Made-For-iPhone/iPad/iPod" (also known as MFi) program a new specification...

Apple WWDC 2014 Invitation Hints at TV Product?

Anytime Apple holds an event it always garners media attention.  One of the annual events that's always a focus of attention is Apple's annual...

THX Tune-up app for iOS and Andriod now free through February...

Just in time for the Super Bowl!  Just like last year, THX is offering their great Tune-Up app free of charge until Monday, February...

BestBuy’s 2 Day Doorbusters deals: iPads, Computers, Audio and more on...

BestBuy is having a special 2 Day Doorbuster deal.  If you've been in the market for an iPad or computer to use for your...

Copying Your iTunes Library to a new machine for a clean...

If you're not satisfied with the Apple process and you want a clean library, following this method gives you a new, clean library of all...

Should Music Be Free? An Audiophile’s Perspective

"Should music be free?" is the question posted by Steve Guttenberg in Stereophile.  It's a fascinating article that talks about various aspects of the...

My iTunes Radio WIsh List: Please Apple, I’m not Asking for...

With iTunes Radio just a few weeks away, I came up with my wish list of what I'd ultimately like the service to offer....

iTunes Radio Bitrate?

iTunes Radio is now live with the launch of iOS7 and iTunes 11.1 the question is, what is the bitrate?  The iTunes Radio bitrate...