Saturday, December 21, 2024

Apple Backs Down to Taylor Swift’s Open Letter. Will Pay Artists During Apple Music...

I've been watching the release of Apple's new streaming service, which was just announced at the company's World Wide Developer Conference...
Poor Audiophile Amplifier of the Year: Benchmark AHB2 Power Amplifier

When is a $3,000 Power Amplifier an Audiophile Bargain?

When it comes to amplifiers, great power comes at a significant cost.  That then begs the question, what constitutes a great amplifier bargain?  Last...

Would You Clean Your Vinyl Records with Wood Glue?

I love cleaning my vinyl collection.  A clean LP, free of dirt or dust is as pristine as a CD—it has none of...

Where to Get High Quality Cables for Audiophile and Home Theater Use

From time to time, I get some nice emails from readers.  I try to answer each email personally.  Yesterday, I received an email from...
Like many retailers, Best Buy is offering Cyber Monday deals on audio and home theater.

CyberMonday Audiophile Deals

CyberMonday, the Monday after Black Friday, is another day that retailers attempt to entice consumers with the promise of deeply discounted wares.  So what...

My iTunes Radio WIsh List: Please Apple, I’m not Asking for Much

With iTunes Radio just a few weeks away, I came up with my wish list of what I'd ultimately like the service to offer....

Is High-Resolution Music a Farce? The Question of Provenance

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci has resided at The Louvre in Paris since 1797. Mona Lisa image courtesy of In the art-world,...

The audiophile, science, tweaks, and truth

Measurements, blind listening tests, acoustics, psychoacoustics, cables, snake oil, and you name it. We audiophiles are a very strange breed indeed. Loyal and fanatical,...

Is the Audiophile Hobby Dead?

For years, the magazine trifecta of Stereophile, Sound and Vision, and Home Theater have graced my home.  A few months ago, I received notice...

Does Apple’s Lightning Headphone Standard Signal the End of 3.5mm Headphone Connector Standard?

I was thinking about the recent news story about Apple's specifications for headphones with lightning connectors.  On the one hand it signals fascinating opportunities...