Wednesday, March 26, 2025

How to extend USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 connections for media servers and DACs

We'll show you how to extend USB 1.0 and 2.0 connections up to 100 feet or more so you can connect audio servers and...
Adding two or more subwoofers to your setup will give you better and smoother bass response.

What’s the best location for a subwoofer in my room?

Today's questions are a follow-up from our friend Nalin, an Anthem AVM 60 user. We previously answered Nalin's question about the proper way to...
How to calibrate dual subs with Anthem's AVM 60 pre-pro and MRX receivers

How to calibrate dual subwoofers on an Anthem AVM 60 and MRX Receivers

Today's question comes from one of our readers, Nalin, who asked about the best way to calibrate dual subwoofers using an Anthem AVM 60...
Dr. Mark Waldrep of AIX records

An Interview with Dr. Mark Waldrep on Hi-Res Music

The first time I was exposed to AIX records was courtesy of the Oppo DBP-83 Blu-ray player. The Oppo included the AIX Sampler Blu-Ray...
Dealing with early audio reflections in small rooms

Dealing with Early Reflections and Bass Acoustics in Small Rooms

  Illustration courtesy of   Frequent readers of this site know that I love getting under the hood on the latest research in...

Blind Audio Testing: The Scientific Truth Behind the Myth

Audiophiles frequently "discuss" blind testing.  In some people's opinion, doing a "blind test" is the only way to test whether...

Do Cables Make an Audible Difference and Are they Worth the Cost?

The Nordost Odin Supreme Reference Cable is among the most expensive cables out there.  Does it make a difference? The single, most hotly debated item...

Is there a difference between cheap and expensive HDMI Cables?

  I'm sure you've gone into a store and someone's tried to sell you an expensive HDMI cable....

Can you tell the difference between Hi-Res and CD-quality digital audio files?

Scott Wilkinson, director of content over at is conducting a fascinating experiment to see if we can tell the difference between high-res audio...

The Best Places to Buy New and Used High-End Audiophile Gear at Huge Discounts

Let's face it, being an audiophile or home theater enthusiast isn't a cheap hobby.  In fact, really good, quality gear can cost hundreds, thousands,...