Saturday, March 29, 2025

Krell Factory Tour: A Behind the Scenes Look at What Makes Krell One of...

For more than 30 years, Krell has been virtually synonymous with the pinnacle of high end audio. In a way, it’s fitting. The company's...
The massive DDoS Internet attack has serious implications for audiophiles

The recent Internet outage is a severe warning to Audiophiles

The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that hit the United States on Friday, October 21st. has been well documented in a number of...

THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier Technology: An Interview with Laurie Fincham

  THX needs little to no introduction.  Yet, many are unaware that THX first got its start to ensure that Return of the Jedi’s soundtrack...
Like many retailers, Best Buy is offering Cyber Monday deals on audio and home theater.

CyberMonday Audiophile Deals

CyberMonday, the Monday after Black Friday, is another day that retailers attempt to entice consumers with the promise of deeply discounted wares.  So what...
Audiophile talk over coffee becomes heated when the topic of exotic cables comes up.

An Audiophile’s Blind Obsession With Cables: A misguided focus can ruin your system

I was sitting with some friends over drinks a few weeks ago when one of them shared details about his newest acquisition, a pair of speakers....

Do Audiophiles Really Hate Music?

I recently paid a visit to one of my favorite local high-end audio stores. The store is a local institution. It's been in business...

Hi-Res Audio Test: Looks Like I Got Two of Three Right in the Experiment

I downloaded the test files from AVS Forum for the high resolution audio experiment.  I played them on the Benchmark - Revel system combination....
Hurricane Irma, the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded, moves westward towards Florida. Photo credit: NOAA

Hurricanes and disasters: The case for Radio

Hurricane Harvey has flooded Houston and devastated a large swath of Texas. On the horizon, hurricane Irma—the most powerful Atlantic storm in recorded history—has...

Why David Pogue is Right About the Pono Player and High Resolution Music

When David Pogue wrote his sizzling review about legendary rocker Neil Young's high resolution Pono music player, David made some major waves,—at least with...

iTunes Radio Bitrate?

iTunes Radio is now live with the launch of iOS7 and iTunes 11.1 the question is, what is the bitrate?  The iTunes Radio bitrate...