Saturday, March 29, 2025

Happy 36th Birthday Sony Walkman!

It's hard to believe that it was 36 years ago that Sony introduced the concept of portable music with the original...

Star Wars the Force Awakens Soundtrack Vinyl Edition Announced

While the soundtrack for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was previously announced and subsequently released on CD and as a digital download, there was...

Sony Hi-Res Walkman Digital Music Player and Premium Hi-Res Headphones Arrive for Review

  The current holy grail in audiophile circles is high resolution (hi-res) audio.  Among hi-res audio's many promises are better sound, less...

Why David Pogue is Right About the Pono Player and High Resolution Music

When David Pogue wrote his sizzling review about legendary rocker Neil Young's high resolution Pono music player, David made some major waves,—at least with...