Roomie Remote Announces Apple Watch Version of Popular iOS Home Automation App


A few years ago, we raved about Roomie Remote automation software for Apple mobile devices.  Roomie remote had an easy-to-use yet powerful interface for controlling all your audiophile and home theater equipment.  Recent updates to the software have added lighting and shade control as well as integration with Nest learning thermostats, which now bring Roomie on par with far more expensive whole-house automation systems.

But it was Roomie Remote version 3.2 update that includes an Apple Watch version of the app that caught our attention.  Roomie Remote for Apple Watch mirrors the rooms, activities, and virtual remotes from your iPhone or iPad right to your watch.

If you’re familiar with Roomie’s interface, you’ll immediately see how it’s been replicated on the. Apple Watch.  Only basic functionality has been transferred to the Apple Watch.  The ability to navigate through iTunes music libraries, for example, is missing and is best left to browsing from your iOS device.
We’ll be anxious to take Roomie Remote’s new 3.2 upgrade with Apple Watch support for a spin.  More information about  Roomie Remote can be found at: