Saturday April 19 is Record Store Day

Today April 19, 2014 is Record store day. It’s a day to come out en masse and support our local record stores.  A unique feature of record store day is new releases that are being released exclusively at record stores. Below is some information from the official record day website on new releases being issued today and a list of stores where you can find them
The list of titles being released ONLY AT RECORD STORES is only a click away, in TWO versions: A handy PDF that you can use as a shopping/wish list and a Pull Down menu with more detail and artwork.  These are the pieces that will be released at REAL LIVE RECORD STORES on April 19, the SEVENTH annual Record Store Day.  Keep in mind that things change OFTEN in this business, and we’ll be making changes to the list when that happens. Fixes, tweaks, new descriptions, additions and cancellations as they happen. Life is a work in progress, we read on an inspirational poster once. And so is our list.