The Best Audiophile Floorsanding Loudspeakers Under $3,000: A 2013 Buyer’s Guide

The SVS Ultra Towers are true full range speakers for $2,000

What are some of the best floor standing (tower) loudspeakers available for under $3,000?  For those looking to create a short-list in time for the holidays, The Absolute Sound has published a guide for those of you in the loudspeaker market.  Making The Absolute Sound’s list were the PSB Image T6 for $1,298, the Magnepan MG 1.7 for $1,995 (a great speaker by the way), the Vandersteen 2Ce Signature II for $2,395, the Sonus Faber Venere Model 2.5 for $2,499, and the GoldenEar Triton Two for $2,998.

The GoldenEar Triton Two sells for $2,998

There were a few models noticeably absent from the list that I’d like to add.  First and foremost is the SVS Ultra Tower for $1,998/pair.  Unlike many other models, the SVS Ultra Tower floor standing loudspeakers are truly full range and give you a value that few others on the list can match.

Then, there are the other must-includes such as the Monitor Audio Silver RX-8 normally $1,750/pair and now on sale for $1,350/pair; the PSB Imagine T for $2,200/pair; and the Revel Concerta F12 at $1,498/pair and the Bowers & Wilkins CM8 at $2,199/pair.

There are a few super-deals on tower loudspeakers that would also make this list.  MusicDirect in Chicago is having a 40% off sale on several lines of the highly acclaimed Focal speakers.  The Focal Chorus 800 series speakers are 40% off including the Focal Chorus 826 V now on sale for only $1,619/pair from it’s retail of $2,700/pair.  The Definitive Technology BP-8080ST towers (demo pair) are also on sale from it’s $3,000 list and now only $2,399/pair.  The Focal Profile 918 Diamond (I’ve heard these speakers and they are amazing) are now 50% off and now marked down to $2,495/pair from the list price of $5,000.

The B&W CM8 Comes in three finishes including Piano Black for $2,199/pair.

If new tower loudspeakers are on your holiday wish list and your budget can absorb a price range between $1,400-$3,000, you have lots of great choices available to you.