60% Off $3,000 Focal Bookshelf Speakers Sale: Profile 908 Diamond


If you could get $3,000 speakers for only $1,200—that’s 60% off—what would you do?  Well, that’s no longer a hypothetical question as Music Direct in Chicago is selling the highly acclaimed Focal Profile 908 Diamond speakers in black for $1,200.  If you’re a poor audiophile and you’ve been saving and waiting for a stellar deal, I would recommend considering this one. 

 I’ve heard these speakers and their larger tower sibling and they are simply stunning.  In fact, I was enamored by these speakers many many years ago at a now defunct high end store.  
These speakers are glorious.  They convey the music with such openness and beauty.  Yes, I’m a poor audiophile too, but if I was able to spend $1,200 on speakers and this deal came across my screen, I would move on it without hesitation.  Here’s the direct link to the deal on the Music Direct web site.