First Revel Performa 3 Reviews are Trickling In

Revel Performa 3 M106 Monitor

Revel’s Performa 3 line has been out for several months and many users (this poor audiophile included) have been waiting for the reviews to start trickling in.  The Revel Performa 3 line sits right between Revel’s premium Ultima2 line and the introductory Concerta line.

The cool thing about the Performa 3 line is that it promises to bring better performance at cheaper prices than its predecessors in the Performa 2 line.  That means that the value factor of these new speakers goes way up and puts them just within reach of poor audiophiles who are frugal savers.

The September issue of Sound and Vision Magazine puts a 5.1 configuration of the Performa 3 consisting of the M106 monitors, M105 monitors, C205 center, and B110 sub to the test and the Performa 3 screams with flying colors.  While neither the M106 monitors ($2,000/pair) nor the M105 monitors ($1,500) are cheap by ordinary mortal standards, they may be the last monitor speakers you’ll ever need.

If you’re a subscriber to Sound and Vision, check out the September 2013 issue or you’ll soon be able to read the review from their web site: