Heavy Metal Fans, This Throwback is for You


I have one lament that about the advent of the digital revolution.  It has nothing to do with sound quality  but rather everything to do with art.  Ever since the introduction of the CD, I feel as though the medium of good album artwork has been lost.  In some ways, the artwork of certain albums was as monumental as the songs on the album.

While it’s easy to get nostalgic about the good album artwork, how about all that really bad artwork that you would make you laugh, scratch your head, or just make you blurt out loud, “what were they thinking” in the record store.  Well, for all you fans, the New York Times has published a great article today on a “nostalgic” look back at really bad heavy metal album art.  The article, entitled, “Blood, Guts, and Hair Spray” takes a look back at some of the heavy metal album artwork that makes you count your blessings that album artwork now comes in a 150×150 pixel thumbnail.