Wading through the treatments


So, I’ve been looking at all these options to acoustically treat my room. My problem, as I see it, is that I have quite a bit of room resonance. It’s most noticeable with dialog. Mind you, I have a very sweet center channel speaker (Revel Perfoma C32) and I have everything calibrated properly. However, because the room is “open” to the rest of the house, there’s a lot to get bounced around.

My budget, I think, is probably modest–no more than $200–so that I can use some saved up birthday money :-).
So far, the most appealing solution is to go with the ATS acoustic panels (you can get a case of six for as little as $34). Then buy some fabric that would go for $40.50 for six panels ($6.75/yard) or the microsuade for $52.50 and the 3M super 77 adhesive for $13.96.
So, minus any backing material, I could, in theory get six panels done for $88.46. Not bad.
Now, I’m worried about the edging, framing, so I came across these frames here. The Chameleon C2 are at $34.99 each.
So, this is where I am so far in the process.